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TYPE : MP3 Category : Management

Shrinking Workforce ERP podcast
File Name :  shrinking-workforce.mp3
Version :  2.0
File Size (MB) :  4.8 M
Company Name:  IFS North America
Author Name :  Charles Rathmann
Primary Download URL:
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   Title :

Shrinking Workforce ERP podcast

   Description :

IFS AB Global Director of Industry and Product Marketing Anders Lif explains how
enterprise software is evolving to compensate for the shrinking skilled workforce in

   Details :

Shrinking workforce issues are a pressing concern for industrial companies and the
manufacturing sector throughout the developed world as existing employees get older and
retire. ERP has a role to play, and IFS AB Global Director of Industry and Product
Marketing Anders Lif explains how enterprise software is evolving to allow the smaller
generations to come to do more with less and benefit from the knowledge of their

Keywords :

erp,ERP Podcast, Enterprise Resource Planning, Project Based Solutions, PBS, Enterprise
Asset Management,EAM, IFS Applications, IFS North America, IFS AB

   Program OS Support :

Win 7,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows
Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate

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