Hazardous Area Instrumentation Training

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TYPE : Software Category : Electrical

Hazardous Area Instrumentation Training
File Name :HazDem1.zip
Version : 2.01
File Size (MB) : 5.80
Company Name: Business Industrial Network
Author Name : Don Fitchett
Primary Download URL: https://industrial-ebooks.com/CBT_software/HazDem1.zip
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Title :

Hazardous Area Instrumentation Training

Description :

Hazardous Area Instrumentation - A CD based safety training course, a must have for engineering and equipment maintenance. The most complete training on CD also covers I.S.(intrinsic safety), flash point definition, fire triangle, classification etc.

Details :

Designing, maintaining and operating of Instrumentation and Control Systems in Hazardous Areas, requires specialized knowledge which ensures that these systems work safely, without being sources of ignition themselves. There are many ways in which explosion protection of these systems is achieved. These include protection methods like Explosion proofing, Intrinsic Safety, Increased safety, Pressurization, etc which have to be understood in depth by the Instrumentation and Control engineers and technicians who are responsible for designing & maintaining these. Various standards and practices exist at National and International levels and these have to be adhered to, while working with instrumentation and control systems in hazardous areas. This hazardous areas training course will help your staff understand the basic fundamentals of explosion protection, know about standards for Area, material & temperature classification, understand the rationale behind these, understand how the different explosion protection techniques like Intrinsic Safety & explosion proof are implemented in practice. The safety training material in this Elearning CD includes contemporary topics like

Keywords :

safety training material, safety training courses, hazardous areas, safety training cd, instrumentation and control, hazardous area equipment, control engineering, instrumentation training, explosion proof, intrinsic safety, hazardous area instrument

Program OS Support :

Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003

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