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TYPE : Training Videos Category : Electrical

Allen Bradley PLC Cables
File Name :  plcCables_4min.mp4
Version :  1.2
File Size (MB) :  168 M
Company Name:  Business Industrial Network
Author Name :  Donald Fitchett
Primary Download URL:
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   Title :

Allen Bradley PLC Cables

   Description :

This is a sample of Allen Bradley PLC Cables training Video.

   Details :

This is a sample of the Industrial Training Video -AB PLC Cables and Drivers- from the
live BIN from our Allen Bradley training courses. This industrial training video will
introduce the viewer to the 3 kinds of PLC Controllers and the different kinds of AB PLC
cables, non-OEM PLC cables and PLC communication protocols. Introduction to AB PLC
Cables and Drivers is the first in a series of training videos designed to teach anyone
what a PLC is and how to you effectively operate one. This first PLC training video covers
the different types of PLCs, the cables types needed to connect to the AB PLC, the PLC
communication protocols - drivers and related areas of the RSLinks
software. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are devices that use ladder logic to
control anything from industrial machines in a factory to traffic lights in your town.
PLCs are an integral part of all manufacturing facilities around the world. Therefore
having a better understanding of how to work with the PLC and how to use them is
beneficial to everyone in the industry. The first section goes over the three main
categories of PLCs: the regular (PLC5), small (SLC 500 system) and micro (Micrologix). You
will learn what types of PLCs fit into each category. The next section deals with the
different types of cables required to connect your computer to a PLC. You will also be
introduced to the different types of PLC communication protocols and drivers required for
each PLC cable option. There is even a section that will show you how to save money by
using low cost non-OEM PLC cables instead of their more expensive counterparts. Another
section goes over how to configure and use RSLinks: which is the communication program
that allows your computer to communicate with the PLC. This industrial training video
will teach real-world and application knowledge in a professional and enjoyable way that
only experience with all 3 AB PLCs could provide. This is the only video on the market
that will even show you how to use third party PLC cables to save money and downtime.
Watch the preview PLC training video here today, and learn more about the exciting
training techniques utilized in this industrial training video.

Keywords :

industrial training video,allen bradley training courses, plc training video,ab plc,plc

   Program OS Support :

Requires a MP4 video player

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