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TYPE : Ebooks Category : Maintenance

Maintenance Work Order System Analysis Sample
File Name :  Work_Order_Sample.pdf
Version :  1.0
File Size (MB) :  .15 M
Company Name:  Feed Forward Publications
Author Name :  Mike Sondalini
Primary Download URL:
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   Title :

Maintenance Work Order System Analysis Sample

   Description :

Sample of Ebook about how to investigate and release the information goldmine in your
maintenance work order system.

   Details :

You can capitalize on your equipment management system and skyrocket maintenance
performance. This white paper will show you how to release the -information goldmine-
and put more money into your pocket and on the corporate financial ledgers. The
maintenance and production costs you have incurred reflect your organization's operating
culture, systems and practices. With this book you will discover new insights into what is
causing the problems and how to increase production. If your maintenance costs are too
high you will discover the reasons why, by analyzing your work orders! This -information
goldmine- is not lying out in the open for you to easily see. It is buried in the data
collected by your maintenance and equipment management systems. Once you find and
understand the precious information in your maintenance work orders, you will have the
facts you need to solve your equipment reliability problems and be able to deliver
outstanding production performance continually.

Keywords :

maintenance work orders, equipment management system, work order management system,
maintenance management training, maintenance work order, reliability system, mtbf, mwo,
mean time between failure, mtbf mttr, reliability training, cmms information, process

   Program OS Support :

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