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TYPE : Ebooks Category : CAD

Finite Element Analysis for the Structural Design Whitepaper
Version :  1.0
File Size (MB) :  .13 M
Company Name:  ARTECH Engineering
Author Name :  Artech Engineer
Primary Download URL:
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   Title :

Finite Element Analysis for the Structural Design Whitepaper

   Description :

Whitepaper on Finite Element Analysis for the Structural Design using CAD.

   Details :

The use of Finite Element Analysis for the Structural Engineer is an important advantage.
The design of the structures not only benefit, but may require the use of this advanced
analysis approach. The nature of structural components involves several concerns and
requirements. Safety, reliability, strength, stiffness, and low cost all come in to the
picture. Coupled with this, are the additional design requirements of interference,
manufacturability, and overall function. Traditionally, classical calculation methods
were used as the primary tool for checking the strength characteristics of structures.
Using the classical calculation methods many times has limitations as to the fit to the
design geometry. By using finite element modeling as a primary analysis tool, the
constraints of creativity are removed. All the requirements can now be evaluated and
several variations of the design concept can be considered. The model can be used to
quickly assess the strength and stiffness, and also the material usage of the
component. The following case example involves an evaluation of a transfer feed vertical
post. This piece has been identified as a critical machine component of the transfer feed.
The transfer feed mechanism is a three axis device that automatically loads a large
transfer press that forms outer panels of a car or van. Having a stress failure of this
component would be catastrophic. Additionally, the stiffness of the component is important
for accurate positioning of the panels in the dies.

Keywords :

Finite Element Analysis, Structural Engineer, CAD, CAD tips, advanced analysis approach,
finite element modeling, fea, fea model, ASTM A36, cad analysis

   Program OS Support :

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